Medicare’s New Physician Payment System

The primary challenge of physician payment is determining fair fees for physicians and other clinicians. But, just as important, the challenge extends to paying physicians in a way that promotes efficient, effective, and safe care; does not incentivize excessive and unnecessary care; and fosters the judicious use of medical resources since physicians order and direct the care that constitutes the lion’s share of total Medicare spending.1″
A 2015 law has the potential to transform how Medicare pays physicians
“For more than two decades Congress and the federal government have wrestled with how to pay physicians in the Medicare program, which covers forty-seven million Americans. In 2014 Medicare paid physicians and other clinicians around $138 billion, 22 percent of total Medicare spending—up from $59 billion in 2000.
An overwhelming body of research in recent years found that medical care in the United States was neither efficient nor as effective as it could be. Inappropriate and excessive care is common even as rising health care costs burden government, business, and families.
Against this backdrop, government and private-sector leaders have resolved to trans- form how physicians are paid in a way that holds them more accountable for the care they deliver. The latest salvo in this effort was the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) of 2015, signed into law April 16, 2015. This policy brief does not discuss MACRA’s two-year extension of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or provisions pertaining to issues other than physician payment.1″
RNDS a win-win platform for healthcare payers, patients and providers.
With healthcare going the way of quality of care vs. the quantity of care, health systems are looking for tools that help support healthcare professionals efforts to provide this “value” of care. RNDS has developed a mobile app that coordinates the care of healthcare professionals and patients which results in happier patients, higher value of care, quality of care improves as well as does outcomes. This is a win-win situation for healthcare payers, patients and providers.
1Original Article from Health Affairs, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: “Health Policy Brief—Medicare’s New Physician Payment System.”